October 01, 2006


The world looks at brokeness as a bad thing. We as humans like to think we have it all together. However God sees our brokeness and has mercy on us.

Jesus was going up in a religious procession when a blind man, Bartimaes, cried out "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!" Those who were with Jesus tried to quiet the beggar, however he just cried out all the more. Jesus commanded he be brought to him and healed Bartimaeus.

Jesus loves and wants the broken things for His own. He wants our brokeness so he can heal us, use us and be glorified.

1 comment:

Mike Wilhelm said...

Tom...you have hit on what i think is the central message of the Gospels....that we are all sinners in need of God's grace. Only those of us, who for whatever reason, reach a point of humility or brokenness before Him, can realize our need, and accept Him as our saviour.

Awesome post!!!!!